america's favorite superheroes
perks of the pandemic (lighter traffic, cheap flights, easy dinner reservations etc)
people who eat fiber are healthier...blah blah...but what foods have the most fiber? and is millet anyway?
have you ever worn a "prop" to a job interview? researchers say wear glasses (even if you don't need them) if you want the job
what plans have you cancelled or have had cancelled on you because of coronavirus?
people in europe have been using this for decades...americans haven't....until now...the new bathroom accessory/would you use one?
being a dj doesn't require a lot of walking...but some jobs do!
movies and tv shows to watch if you're staying in and "social distancing" yourself
what are the odds...a pig sets fire to a farm in england just by going to the bathroom
if you're going to be working from careful of selfie posts
goodbye/fun facts....this is going to be one of the most interesting St. Patrick's days in parades, bars closed you might want to go outside and look for clovers...Legend says that each leaf of the 3 leaf clover has a meaning: Hope, Faith, and Love...but what about the 4 leaf clover? Your odds of finding a four-leaf clover are about 1 in 10,000....and it's meaning? Some say the four leaves represent fame, wealth, love and health