what are your 3 favorite fast food drive-thru menu items?
favorite christmas movies by state
game: would you rather
best christmas karaoke songs
dial-a-carol (covid version)
what's the weirdest wrong number text you've received
how much would you pay to have help with the holidays this year
game: think n snyc
what "bad" things have you done at work...especially at the end of the year when "no one is looking"
wanna get out of a funk? do this for 7-10 minutes
goodbye/fun facts....national maple syrup day....Maple syrup is a distinctly North American product therefore it quite rightly deserves its own day of recognition! Maple syrup is made from the xylem sap of one of the three maple tree varieties: sugar maple, black maple, or red maple. Canada now produces the vast majority of the world’s maple syrup supply with its total exports valued at more than $270 million. ¼ cup serving of maple syrup contains more calcium than the same amount of milk and more potassium than a banana. It's also a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron.