america's favorite dessert
what do you go to the "trouble" of making homemade for the holidays?
because of covid...many people aren't working in employee theft is down!
things that only happen in the movies
resolutions for 2021
ashley gives brad a quiz
brad gives ashley the feud
how much are you spending this holiday season?
we spent over $4,000 more on our homes this year while in lockdown...what was your big project?
feel good story of the day...maybe disney will make this into a movie!
goodbye/fun facts....The Great American Smokeout is an annual event sponsored by the American Cancer Society. It is held on the third Thursday of November. The inception of the Great American Smokeout stems from a 1970 event in Randolph, Massachusetts. High school guidance councilor Arthur P. Mullaney asked people to give up cigarettes for one day and donate the money they would have spent on buying cigarettes to a high school scholarship fund. The GASO encourages Americans to quit tobacco smoking. People are challenged to stop smoking for at least 24 hours assuming that their decision not to smoke will last longer, hopefully forever.
Today, more than 43 million people in the United States smoke cigarettes, that is about 1 in 5 adults.