have you ever been a super commuter? those are people that travel 90 minutes or more to get to work
what food have you eaten out of "politeness"
news has come out with a new list of words and you know what these mean?
if you could pick one room in your house to make smaller...which one would you pick and why?
what are the most childish behaviors in the workplace?
how many of your child's baby teeth or hair did you keep?
ashley and brad play the "5 second game"
your favorite dessert can tell a lot about your personality...what are ashley and brad's favorites?
weird things left behind at hotel rooms...and what do people come back for the most?
parenting pointers with dr. claudia...parents who are moving their kids into their first house/apartment
goodbye/fun facts....International Bacon Day : the Saturday before Labor can have bacon-themed breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and drinks. Bacon Day gatherings may also include the consumption of soy bacon or turkey bacon. by the way...the average American eats 18 pounds of bacon a year