a woman in south dakota thought she had kidney stones...but then she delivered TRIPLETS!
belly button personality test:
have you ever cried at work? 8 out of 10 of us have!
5 things nobody has in their home anymore but brad has all 5
survey by opentable found the best college town for foodies
students are using apple watches to cheat on exams...have you ever cheated on a test?
office workers/office scruples...a completely unscientific study
mom holds "job interviews" for her kids to do housework
things we never licking the beaters
things your mechanic won't tell you....but you need to know
goodbye/fun is world mosquito day (we...we are aware the world has mosquitoes) but...on this day in 1897, the link between mosquitos and the transmission of malaria was discovered by British doctor Sir Ronald Ross. Ross also identified that the female mosquito transmits the disease. In 1902, Ross was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery.