why don't guys ask for directions? because...that's why
do you enjoy family vacations or do you find them more of a chore?
favorite movie line...what's yours?
have you ever called someone by the wrong name...for a really long time?
what trend are you tired of?
favorite comfort foods...
a man in californa won't talk to his family because of the way they chew
another "don't do this at work" break
who talks or women?
what is the world's favorite color? hint: it's the color of the sky and the ocean
goodbye/fun facts....1865: Joseph Lister became the first doctor to use disinfectant during surgery. Dr. Lister was a british surgeon and a pioneer of antiseptic surgery who applied Louis Pasteur's advances in microbiology and championed the use of carbolic acid as an antiseptic in surgery...if that name rings a might use his product today...listerine mouthwash.