there are wigs and toupees...ron popeil spray on transplants...but what about 3D printed hair?
the halloween petition we told you about last year is gaining steam...would you sign in?
when is the very best time to make a decision?
warren buffett with the number one mistakes parents make with money
summer bucket many of these have you done so far this year?
women's health did a stress test for the "average woman" are some women/stress facts...can you relate?
ashley gives brad a quiz
brad gives ashley "the feud"
foods that make you **pass gass** incessantly
dumb but true product warning labels
goodbye/fun facts....National Eye Exam Month...they recommend getting your eyes checked every 1-3 years...they've found that many diseases now can be detected early through your eyes!! in fact...the first ophthalmologists began to practice in 800 BC, an Indian surgeon named Sushruta describes 76 ocular diseases, as well as several ophthalmological techniques and instruments.