how to beat summer is coming...
besides hanging up the christmas lights...what would you pay someone to do for you?
what does your dog say about you?
best and worst songs for driving
what technology is most likely to be obsolete during your lifetime?
habits that make you look older
ashley and brad play "getting to know you"
if hollywood adjusted prices for inflation...these are the top 10 grossing movies of all time...
should students be allowed to take "mental health" days?
ways to keep your pet cool in this ridiculous heat
goodbye/fun facts....Paperback Book Day, marking the start of the paperback book revolution on this date in 1935. Penguin Books publishers made in 1935 to offer cheaper reprints of popular titles. They cost 4 cents....or a fifteenth the price of a typical hardcover at the time – and for the first time were sold not just in bookstores but in mass-market outlets like Woolworths