what are the hottest toys for this year?
a nebraska man wanted to open a bank account with a $1 million bill
stores that will and will not be open on thanksgiving day
happy meal toys because happy meal is turning 40
jobs that burn the most calories
ashley and brad play "the pyramid"
really bad (but funny) pick up lines
what were surprised to find out cost so much when you first had kids?
guess which food you should load your thanksgiving table with year?
when should you open an actual bank account for your kids?
goodbye/fun facts....An early mechanical cash register was invented by James Ritty and John Birch following the American Civil War. James was the owner of a saloon in Dayton, Ohio,and wanted to stop employees from pilfering his profits. The Ritty Model I was invented in 1879 after seeing a tool that counted the revolutions of the propeller on a steamship.Then in 1883 they came up with Ritty's Incorruptible cost $100 and it made noise when it opened so everyone knew someone was in the machine