what's your number 1 tip when dealing with people that you really don't want to invite for the holidays but you have to?
what's your "go to" snack that you put out for the holidays? chex mix? cookies?
it's holiday picture you make everyone match? include the dog? a letter?
would you pay more for "silent service" when getting a hair cut or a massage or your nails done?
according to popular mechanics magazine...what are some of the things we want to leave being in 2010's as we get ready for 2020
what are some of the best "time travel" movies
do you express your gratitude as often as you should?
have you ever tried to replicate someone's signature?
when you're going thru something in your personal life...who are most likely to talk to about it?
parenting pointers with dr. claudia...what's a smart hairbrush
goodbye/fun facts....on this date in1995 the first feature-length film created completely using computer-generated imagery, directed by John Lasseter and starring Tom Hanks and Tim Allen, is released...."Toy Story" is the 20th highest-grossing franchise worldwide, the fourth highest-grossing animated franchise...have grossed more than $3 billion worldwide