would you license your face for $125,000?
if you could eat anything (without issue to your diet) what would americans eat most?
how old is too old to trick or treat?
website that distributes the chores...brilliant...yes?
well known "truths" that we all grew up thinking were common knowledge...but turns out it's all just LIES!
rolling stone's top 100 singers of all time...they are facing some backlash for their list
what do you do when 2 of your friends don't like each other?
getting along with your co-workers can boost your lifespan
best toy you grew up you still have it?
would you go to a singles yourself?
goodbye/fun facts....Down Syndrome Awareness Month every October, Each year, about 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome — a 1 in 700 chance. we can be inspired to learn more about this topic and to celebrate people born with Down syndrome and the medical advancements.