according to popular mechanics...these are some of the biggest things in the world
a bar is charging by the hour instead of by the drink...good idea or bad idea?
favorite pizza toppings...
the average guy's closet...are you average
feel good story of the day..."double amputee competes in ironman"
would you give up vacation days if your employer paid off your student loans?
a drunk airline passenger got sick on another passenger...have you ever had someone (besides your child or pet) gotten sick on you?
do you have any regrets about high school?
the greenest and least green cities in the u.s. according to wallet hub
parenting pointers with dr. claudia...pumpkin spiced EVERYTHING
goodbye/fun facts.... Today is Vet Nurse Day is also a time for grateful pet owners and the wider community to say ‘thank you’ to their local vet nurses for who they are, and what they do best. From lending a hand during surgery and supporting the great veterinarians around them, to helping afterhours, cleaning wounds and helping sick and injured animals.