Nia Renee is a survivor of all things abuse. She created How To Love A Battered Woman in hopes of creating a community where no matter the story, walk of life, ability, disability, and trauma, others would feel less alone. HTLABW was established in 2018 and started as a blog and journal to teach her narcissistic boyfriend how to love someone who had experienced severe trauma in their past. While attempting to teach him she realized that she was beginning to learn to teach herself how to love herself. Inevitably, she failed at teaching a covert narcissist how to love her, but she was able to escape with brand new tools, her life, sanity, and a new outlook.

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About the book:
Letters to you is a collection of letters, journal entries, and creative writing assignments. This book gives you an in depth look at the traumatic events that have taken place during my life. I have built the How to Love A Battered Woman platform on transparency and vulnerability because I never want anyone who has experienced similar experiences that I have to feel alone. These letters were written at different phases of my life. You will see several journal entries from my past, as far as 13 years ago. Healing is not linear.

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