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Hey guys welcome back to the ASD- Andre shouldn’t drink podcast

In today’s episode we have the one, the only Clinton Harris! Clinton Harris is Navy veteran/actor/jiu jitsu black belt… and someone that ed Cardoso introduced me to. If you don’t remember who ed Cardoso is I recommend you head over to episode 21 for a little refresher… Anyways — Clinton Harris is someone that I know a lot of you will deem the title of a conspiracy theorist… now me personally a lot of the things that Clinton talks about in this podcast episode I’ve looked into, so I’m well aware of a lot of the things he’s referring to. A lot of you may not agree with a lot of things that Clinton is gonna say in this episode… but I implore you to have an open mind and do your own research…

In this podcast episode we talk about Jiu jitsu — after all Clinton is a black belt in the martial art, we quickly transition into our first conspiracy which involves 911, we talk about the patriot act, we talk about whether Snowden is a hero or a traitor, we talk about wiki leaks, pizza-gate, QAnon, Jeffrey Epstein, WayFair, we then talk about the Clintons going to Epstein’s island, we talk about the hatred that a lot of people have for trump, the nomination of Kama Harris for Vice President, the conspiracy theories behind corona virus — basically where it came from/why it exists, we talk about the country that is the biggest threat to America today, and finally we end this podcast episode with Clinton Harris reminding you all watching or listening to do your own research!

Just a quick reminder for everyone watching and listening, this podcast is all about free speech and people with different views of the world coming together to share… I don’t care if your a republican or a democrat or if you hate trump or love trump — this podcast was created to hear the ideas of people from all walks of life. I actually prefer interviewing people that I disagree with, because it’s an opportunity for me to learn and view things from a different perspective…

With all of that said, please enjoy this podcast episode!!


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