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 Hey guys welcome to another episode of the ASD-Andre Shouldn’t Drink Podcast!  Today I have a wonderful guest by the name of Trevor Wesley  He is a singer/songwriter who has amazing hits like “Chivalry is dead” and one of my personal favorites “in this world” — once you hear his music I know for a fact you’ll be hooked on it just like I was…  In this podcast episode, We talk about a lot of social media marketing strategies when it comes to you being a musician or even if you have a youtube channel, we talk about how fake the people within the music industry can really be, we talk about how politics runs Hollywood and the music industry, we talk about how left leaning the media is nowadays, we talk about how difficult it is to just be yourself and express your own beliefs without having people judge you, we talk about friendships and loyalty and how it differs depending on where you are in America, we talk about where the best places to live are if you want to make it big in the music industry, we talk about the moment I heard Trevor Wesley’s music and what I thought about it when I first heard it, we talk about the importance of due process and not always just jumping the gun and believing all accusations against a man or woman, we talk about cancel culture and how toxic that can be, and finally at the end of this podcast episode I fire off some quick questions about what it’s like being a musician and being on stage.  Guys Trevor Wesley is such a talented musician and I want share his music with all of you… all of his social media accounts will be linked in the show notes and in the description!  With all of that said, lets get right into this podcast episode!


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