Please help me hold Fairfax County PD Accountable for all the corruption going on in their department. Anything helps, Thank you! Please donate on GoFundMe here -  

ASD - DOCS Uncensored -  

Hey guys welcome to another episode of the ASD- Andre shouldn’t drink podcast!  This is going to be a lengthy intro mainly because if you’re just joining us it’s extremely important for me to give you context..  In todays episode I have two very special guest by the name of  Jim Trainum and Victor Zheng…. If you’ve been following my investigation on the Fairfax County Police Department then you know Victor Zheng’s story— Here’s a recap for those of you just joining the investigation — *video from part 3*  In 2013,    Victor was falsely accused by an ex girlfriend of rape. He was ultimately falsely arrested and spent 6 nights in jail, was made to spend $60,000 on lawyer fees, and faced the possibility of life in prison for a crime he did not commit. All charges against victor were  eventually dropped…  Now, allow me to introduce to you Jim Trainum,   Retired Detective Jim Trainum was with the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department for a total of 27 years – the last 19 of which he was assigned to the homicide branch. During his career, Trainum worked on numerous local and federal task forces and joint projects.   He created and was the director of his department’s Violent Crime Case Review Project which oversaw the review of old homicide cases.  Today he now specializes in policy and procedures during an interrogation and reducing false confessions and wrongful convictions.  He’s significant to the entirety of this story because Jim Trainum was the actual expert witness in the case that we will be talking about in this podcast episode…   This whole podcast episode is based around one rogue Fairfax County detective by the name of Darrin DeCoster — In this podcast episode we will focus on a case that had an innocent man falsely confessing to very serious crimes. We will also cover why Darrin DeCoster is an absolute incompetent, immoral, and unjust detective.   The guy has ruined at least two innocent people’s lives and that’s only what I’ve been able to uncover so far… — the point I”m trying to make is that we need to reinvestigate Every arrest he’s ever made throughout his career.  With all of this said, let’s get right into this podcast episode!


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