We're pleased to have acclaimed speeder and spader Chameco with us on the late February show! Chameco has been on the ascension boards for quite some time, and is quick to spade mechanics (both new and old) for the community.

Kramco revisited - Some of the goblin encounter ceilings still require further spading. The numbers presented in the show are not final. The community is still working hard gathering data and testing. There's still much to learn about January's IOTM!

Analysis of February's IotM: Lil' Doctor(TM) Bag.

A brief look at Dark Gyffte (the Spring Challenge Path). Expect a bonus episode in the future to cover the path in greater detail!

How do we optimize the Shen's snakes, Copperhead, and the protestor quests? Can we speed these up and what mechanics are in play? We take a look at these "new" quests in great detail.

What else is new?

PlasticLobster (#1919839)'s Kingdom of Loathing Skill Tracker Analysis

PlasticLobster has made an incredible tool to assist players keep track of which skills they have perm'd. This webpage and associated mafia script crossreferences the Ascension Speed Show's Perm Tier List and gives a summary of which relevant skills you are missing!
Find it here: http://www.plasticlobster.com/

With lots and lots of help from The Dictator, the Ascension Speed Society has launched an Ascension Turn-generation Planning Sheet. It needs to be updated for Dark Gyffte, but it has most things you would expect for a run. We'll eventually support it for aftercore, but it's mostly already there. This is a fantastic resource where you can just alter checkboxes and drop downs, and the spreadsheet does everything else for you! If you have any questions, just ask.

Lyft finished updating the Standard Pull List reference spreadsheet for 2019! We will continue updating this reference throughout the year.

Discord Invite link: https://discord.gg/tbUCRT5

Other links:

Hardcore/Softcore Perm Tier List + Decision Flowchart