We're joined by KoL Guru, The_Ersoionseeker (#1937905) and he'll be discussing with us how YOU can shave a bunch of turns off the Level 13 quest!

Don't leave for registration at the tower without TES's amazing Lair Test guide!


After many (seriously, this took forever) hours of work, we have finally finished...

The Hardcore Standard Perm Tier List!

Special thanks to The Dictator and The Erosionseeker, who both contributed invaluably!


After perming the skills on the 'essentials' tab of the spreadsheet, start consulting our flowchart. (Make sure to fullscreen it.)



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Discord link: https://discord.gg/tbUCRT5

Aenimus (#2273519)
Lyft (#3045223)

Special thanks to Quinton_Flynn for help with guest audio track sound engineering.