Mystic, Lawyer, Mediator, Author, Mother...Carole Gold has spent decades living, striving, struggling, succeeding and facing the same life challenges that we all must face during these extraordinary times of profound change.  Surrounded by misinformation, disinformation and agenda-driven information, how do we know what is true? How do we discern for ourselves what to take in and what to reject? How do we nourish ourselves and those we love in order to adapt and allow the necessary changes that will elevate our lives and nourish our souls?

There are no secrets. Universal truths are available for all of us who wish to see them and do the work required to create success in the 3-D world and ascend in the 5-D world.

As a natural psychic and mystic, Carole has traversed both realities her entire life. She has a natural gift that allows her to see past the obvious, 3-D illusions through to the truths behind them. As a lawyer, Carole has the objective, critical thinking skills to discern the illusions in fake news and agenda driven misinformation.

Join Carole as she highlights the important issues of the day in both realities! After taking a look at 3-D events unfolding, Carole will take your calls and provide you with psychic insights specifically for your life's journey and highest good.

Learn more about Carole here at and