Welcome to the latest edition of Ascending the Holy Mountain, a podcast brought to you by Holy Mountain Printing, They offer some of the best design, print rates and quality around, so be sure to learn more at (www.holymountinprinting.com). Also, we can’t thank them enough, but our theme song was made by Slasher Film Festival Strategy. They make music for movies that simply do not exist and to get the full copy of our theme song as well as hear their full catalogue, head over to (www.slasherfilmfestivalstrategy.bandcamp.com) Today on the podcast our Host Erik, from the band Demon Eye (www.demoneyeofficial.com) Interviews Will Brooks who is the founding and current member of experimental hip hop group Dalek. Dalek plays a unique brand of hip hop mixed with layered noise and dense sound collage that borrows in equal measure from the likes of Public Enemy and My Bloody Valentine.Dalek previously released four albums on famed independent record label Ipecac and has just released their newest album Asphalt for Eden on Canada's eclectic Profound Lore Records. Links to Dalek and iconAclass music can be found at: (https://deadverse.com), (https://www.facebook.com/dalekmusic/), (https://www.facebook.com/deadverseRec/), (https://www.facebook.com/iconaclass/), and (https://deadverse.bandcamp.com). As always to learn more about this band and others on the network, head over to www.lastchancepodcastnetwork.com/ascendingtheholymountain