Angry. Edgy. Raw. It’s the kind of music you feel deep down in your bones. Maybe it makes your blood run hot. Maybe it makes it run cold. But there's no denying it. It shakes you to your core. That’s the kind of energy and passion that fuels the music of NJ hardcore rock band, Generation Underground; and it may very well be the reason they titled their latest single “Shooken to the Core” and their recent EP “Kold Blooded, Vol. 1.” I had the pleasure of connecting recently with Mike Florentine and Josh Polius to discuss Generation Underground’s unquestionable ascent in the music industry.

Rock & Soul - Diane DiMemmo, Host

Generation Underground - Mike Florentine, Josh Polius

Opening Podcast Music by The Flukes


Asbury Park Vibes Podcast 

Available on Spotify, Apple, Google, iHeart, Audible, and Pandora

Hosted by Diane DiMemmo & Doug Dresher

Copyright 2020-2024 Asbury Park Vibes. All rights reserved.