How important is it to have fun together as a family? Maybe that's a question you're asking because sometimes having fun can seem frivolous and trivial. Surely we should be doing much more important things like reading the Word, praying, or worshipping God. And isn't having fun kinda dangerous? I mean, we need to be careful not to have too much fun, right? We don't want to idolize the things that bring us joy. These are good questions, but we believe that having fun is a crucial part of our family worship. That's why it's one of our six pillars of family worship. A pillar holds things up. Without a supporting pillar, the building falls and is unable to stand. If we aren't having fun together, we believe that our family worship isn't fully supported and will have a hard time standing. We believe we won't be as successful in disciplining our kids and one another if we neglect to have fun together. So today, we're launching into a new series that's all about fun. Over the next several weeks and episodes, we're going to talk about the important role of fun in our individual lives and our family lives.