I am the kind of person where I can totally get behind an idea, but if I don't have some kind of a recipe or a rubric or just somewhere to get started, I usually don't end up starting things. And so if you are like me, I do not claim to be the expert on scripture memory, systems, or songs. But we have a lot of things that have worked really well for our family. And we've been just gathering resources from other families that we know and love. And so I just wanted to share all the things with y'all today, so that you can have a place to begin. But I'm going to cover just four or so different questions that you might have, or potential roadblocks and getting started memorizing scriptures with your family.

When should you do scripture memory? 
Should this be a part of your family worship time?
Should you try to do it later in the day? 
How long does this scripture memory time last?
What are some resources and tools to help get us started?