We all want to be known. We want meaningful relationships that run deep. We want people we are safe with, people we belong to. Our marriages are a gift from God that is meant to be the deepest, most meaningful relationship we have. Our marriages are meant to be the one place where we are safe to be the most vulnerable. A place where we are safe to be naked physically, emotionally, mentally. A place where the fullness of who we are, the beautiful, the ugly, and everything in-between is exposed..and yet, because of the commitment, the covenant of love between us, we are still cherished, honored, and loved. If we are married, our relationship with our spouse is the most important relationship we will ever have. But just because we have this gift from God called marriage, that doesn't mean that we are taking full advantage of all that the gift has to offer. Today, we're going to be talking about prioritizing our marriage relationship above every other human relationship we have - because when we do that, we are obeying God, and we will reap enormous benefits.