Do you like to hear writers talking about how their songs? Then this episode is for you!

We're off-roading this week! :) Before we released our most recent family worship album called "God of Generations," Emily and I recorded an (at the time) exclusive podcast for some of our most faithful online families to help introduce the songs and share a little bit of our hearts and the scriptures behind the new songs. We've decided that we want to release these old podcast recordings to all of you as we walk through our Six Pillars of Family Worship. The song we are featuring today and talking on the podcast is called "Day and Night" and it fits perfectly in our current theme of "Learning Together." This song comes from Psalm 1 in which David writes about delighting and meditating on the Word of God. Emily wrote this song with some friends and this episode is packed with some tasty behind the scenes insights into this song and the verses that inspired it. You're not going to want to miss it!