Today's interview is with Regina Huber. Regina is the founder & CEO of Transform Your Performance Drawing from her extensive corporate experience in six countries, Regina Huber is a TransformationalLeadership Coach for Business Women, Diversity & Co-Creation Advocate, Speaker with a Passion forDance, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine – Speak Powerfully in Any Situation, reviewed onThe Huffington Post.With her signature system, Powerful Leadership Transformation (PLT), she works with companies totransform top female performers into top leaders. Regina focuses on driving fast results for her coachingclients by emphasizing an empowering mindset and a compelling, confident presence, enabling them toaccelerate their careers, while making an outstanding contribution to their organizations.Regina speaks five languages and has over 18 years of international experience in the corporate businessworld, including management positions at The Boston Consulting Group in the U.S., Europe, and LatinAmerica. As an entrepreneur, Regina owned two businesses in Argentina and Brazil, and she translated12 books.We talk about her cross-cultural endeavors, conversational intelligence, her book, and her thoughts on diversity, inclusion and co-creation.Resource Mentioned In The EpisodeTransform Your Performance: www.transformyourperformance.comSpeak up, Stand out and Shine – Speak Powerfully in Any Situation:

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