Chapter 348 - "Ashes Lie Still" read by Lyn Jeffs of Ingested

Today we welcome Ingested drummer Lyn Jeffs to the podcast. Ingested's new record, Ashes Lie Still, is out this Friday, November 4th on Metal Blade Records! Lyn talks about living in various cities across the UK and what led him to move to Spain, discovering music, Ingested’s history, choosing Metal Blade, the themes on the new record, and more.

Pre-Order Ashes Lie Still at


The picture of Lyn for this episode is one I took of the band live in Baltimore last week!

Chapter 348 Music:

Ingested - "Shadows In Time"

Ingested - "Crowning The Abomination"

Ingested - "Ashes Lie Still"

Ingested - "Tides Of Glass"


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