Previous Episode: Laundry

Chapter 282 - "(Emo) Very Much Died" read by Keith Latinen 

This week Keith Latinen joins the podcast. Keith is the founder of Count Your Lucky Star Records, as well as bands like Anna Flyaway, Empire Empire (I Was A Lonely Estate) and Parting. Most recently Keith released "This Is Not the Way I Wanted You to Find Out," under the moniker of Mt Oriander, his new solo project. Keith is an important part of the emo revival and I am super stoked to have him on the podcast.  Keith talks about his love for midwest emo, the need that led him to start Count Your Lucky Stars, musical burnout, and label life during the pandemic. 

Count Your Lucky Stars Incredible Discography is available at

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Chapter 282 Music:

Mt. Oriander - " It's Always Been Wankershim"

Anna Flyaway - "My Brother Thinks I'm A Ghost"

Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate) - "I Was Somewhere Cold, Dark... and Lonely"

Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate) - "Stay Divided"

Parting - "Jesse Eisenbird"

Mt. Oriander - "Dream Ruby Glitch"

Parting - "Maybe He's Blinking When You're Blinking"

Mt. Oriander - "Nothing after Nothing Came Bursting Out"


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