Previous Episode: JT Cavey from ERRA

Chapter 297 - "If It Comes Natural, The People Will Get It" read by Jan Euler from Breathe Atlantis

This week Breathe Atlantis guitarist Jan Euler joins the podcast! Breathe Atlantis dropped their new record, Overdrive, last month on Arising Empire Records. Jan chats about the German metal scene, the history of Breathe Atlantis, and the band’s sonic evolution, including their decision to go heavy again. 

You can find Overdrive on cd and vinyl at

Checkout the band's back catalog at

Chapter 297 Music:

Breathe Atlantis - "Break The Silence"

Breathe Atlantis - "I Am The Tide"

Breathe Atlantis - "Dead and Gone"

Breathe Atlantis - "Earthquake"

Breathe Atlantis - "Overdrive"

Breathe Atlantis - "Changes"

Breathe Atlantis - "Going Down"


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