Chapter 68: "Do You Want To Play A Game?" read by Erik Mendez (formerly of Tourniquet)

Here is the much anticipated follow-up to last weeks' show. Erik Mendez formerly of Christian metal powerhouse Tourniquet picks up with where we left off. We discuss a little more Ted, a few more stories and Erik and I step track by track through each song on Tourniquets' second LP "Psycho Surgery" and third LP "Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance". I am proud to close this chapter of the show. Erik was a biggie in a heavy-hitter band from my childhood. Thanks of listening.

I've also decided to release this entire video on the youtube channel. Check it out for extra footage and inappropriate behavior.

Chapter 68 Notes:

link to 2050 In Remission:

2050: Darfur:

Chapter 68 Music. Just an obscene amount of music clips.

2050: "In Remission"
Tourniquet: "The Messiah"
Tourniquet: The entire Psycho Surgery album
Tourniquet: The entire Pathogenic album.

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