Artist and new friend Bjorn Bauer joins us for two weeks of stories of what it's like to be a missionary kid in search of music. Bjorns' story is a reminder as to how priveledged we are and take our resources for granted. Bjorn made due with barely anything and developed a hunger for music which became a passion for art. He tells how a UN soldier handed him a shoebox of dubbed cassettes with no art that changed his life. A random missionary woman handed Bjorn his first metal cassette...he doesn't even know why she had it with her that day. It only takes a spark to get a fire burning. I love this story and I hope you do too.

All things Bjorn:

Chapter 62 Music:

Keith Green: "...So You Wanna Go Back To Egypt?"

The Violet Burning: "Gold"

Seventh Angel: "Recollections Of A Life Once Lived"

The Blamed: "Separation"

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