Previous Episode: Master Boot Record

Chapter 312 - "This Record Is Healing" read by Austin McAuley from LIMBS

Today I’m so stoked to share my conversation with LIMBS frontman, Austin McAuley. LIMBS just released their new ep, Coma Year, on UNFD Records. Austin talks about the scene in Panama City Beach, how he took over vocals for LIMBS, and how writing for Coma Year became therapy for him. Check out Coma Year and I hope you enjoy getting to know Austin McAuley from LIMBS!

Snag Coma Year on Bandcamp at

Snag some LIMBS merch at

Chapter 312 Music:

LIMBS - "Mortality Moment"

LIMBS - "Spirit Breaker"

LIMBS - "Abandoned"

LIMBS - "If I Go Before You"

LIMBS - "Slow Burn"


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