Ellie Consta from Her Ensemble joins me for Episode 51. We spoke about how working with pop musicians opened her eyes to the many gender imbalances in the classical music world. Realising the various injustices, she set up Her Ensemble, the UK’s first all-female and non-binary string orchestra to provide a safe space for marginalised genders and create a platform for female and non-binary composers overlooked throughout history. Tune in for chat about how showcasing your vulnerability and learning from your mistakes can promote further growth and progression, as well as Ellie’s pandemic pastime that slightly blew my mind.

You’ll also hear about my personal experiences about being interrupted, as well as some interesting facts about composer Germaine Tailleferre.

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Photo credits: Noëmie Bottiau and Shane Benson


Mentioned in this episode:


Instagram: @herensemblemusic

Facebook and Twitter: @herensemble




Germaine Tailleferre: https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199757824/obo-9780199757824-0275.xml