I had a chat with music researcher Leah Broad recently, about her journey into academia, the thrill of finding new music, and her upcoming book shining a light on four composers: Ethel Smyth, Rebecca Clarke, Dorothy Howell and Doreen Carwithen. Listen and learn a little more about these composers, including which social media platform we reckon they’d be suited to best if they were around today.

Accompanying this episode is a special playlist including some pieces from these composers, plus some examples of the British Phantasy – something that I’ve been curious about for a while.

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Mentioned in this episode:





Episode 41 playlist: pieces by Smyth, Clarke, Howell, Carwithen, plus some Phantasies: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7etuKGvvpwbVK0FCowBMpO?si=RV2_3WbRT9qxSuZwZs4Viw


Laura Sneddon: “British Women Composers and Instrumental Chamber Music in the Early 20th Century”


BBC Radio 3’s Time Travellers podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p069vjyc/episodes/player