Episode 18 is brought to you from lockdown restrictions – you know the drill.  My guest is Rocío Bolaños – a clarinettist, experimental and improvising musician who works with Distractfold Ensemble.  We chatted a couple weeks ago (it feels like a lifetime ago) about teaching instruments you don’t play, being in the moment while making music, what to say to haters of new music, as well as that time she had to perform as a lung and what she would play if she hadn’t chosen the clarinet.

Music college certainly didn’t prepare any of us for lockdown, so thanks to those who’ve shared with me what they’ve been up to recently, which seems to include a whole lot of online teaching.

What have you been doing in lockdown?  Let me know: [email protected] or get in touch via Facebook or Instagram @asitcomespod – at least for the cat and silly video content.

Distractfold Ensemble: http://www.distractfold.co.uk/

Photo credit: Dimitri Djuric.