In this interview, John Adams describes how the Aussie dollar is crashing at an unprecedented rate. Lets not allow ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of security by mainstream media disguising the rapid devaluation by drawing comparisons between a weak, disintegrating US dollar and our own plummeting currency.

In this interview, John Adams describes how the Aussie dollar is crashing at an unprecedented rate. Lets not allow ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of security by mainstream media disguising the rapid devaluation by drawing comparisons between a weak, disintegrating US dollar and our own plummeting currency.

The devaluation process is not new, its been repeated over and over again throughout history and it never ever experiences a soft landing. History also tells us that we are in the final stages of destruction of all global currencies. That is, unless you are in possession of the one and only currency that has stood up over five thousand years - Gold.

Over the last three months, central banks have been acquiring this currency at a frantic pace. Maybe we should follow their lead.

We have been warned!