Meet 4 of this year's 10 artists, who were selected to respond to objects and ideas in the collections at the Bowes Museum, as part of this year's #Untitled10 exhibition. 

Jo Howell, a photographic artist based in Sunderland, on her feminist-forward response to the of Mary Eleanor Bowes' botany cabinet - and how she was forced to "The Confessions of the Countess of Strathmore".

Lady Kitt, a "Maker, Activist, and Drag King", who has responded to the text against a statue of Ancient Greek poet Sappho in the Bowes Museum, which coyly glosses over Sappho's bisexuality.

Judy Dibiase, a ceramic artist, who created an astounding 200 cups, adorned with the poetry of Bowes Museum co-founder Joséphine Bowes. Judy has invited guests to take away a cup, in exchange for stories.

Emmanuela Wroth, who is entering the second year of her collaborative doctoral project with the Bowes Museum and Durham University, shares her reaction to Judy's cups, and the reclamation of aspects Joséphine's life lost to history.

Claire Baker, an embroidery artist who teaches at the Northern School of Art in Middlesborough, shares about the strengths of working alongside other artists in response to the museum, and how #Untitled10 allowed her to stretched 

With extracts from the opening address by Matthew Read, Director of the Bowes Centre for Art, Craft and Design.


More about ArtyParti:

Our website - www.artyparti.comTwitter - @ArtyParti Instagram - @Arty_Parti_ Produced and presented by Jay Sykes.


Visit the ArtyParti website for a full transcript of this episode.


Our supporters and funders:

The ArtyParti podcast is made possible thanks to the support of our five Patreon backers:

Chantal Herbert - Founder of Sister Shack / DJ Awkward Black GirlJo Howell - Photographic Artist based in SunderlandNicky Kaur - Founder of TryLife TVStephanie Smith - Visual Artist based in SunderlandLaura Willis - Emerging Audio Producer

ArtyParti's live "Celebration" events and website are made possible thanks to funding from the Arts Council England & National Lottery Heritage Fund, through the Unlock strand of Sunderland Culture's Great Place scheme.

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