With a plethora of sound art and experimental audio production which spans decades, Odette Johnson (a.k.a. Museleon - Artistic Musical Human) uses a combination of field recordings, found sounds, and digital processing to create rich, multi-layered, complex audio art.

Inspired by her work, Lewis Harrower, who graduated from MA Radio at the University of Sunderland earlier this year, took the "Muse" from Museleon.  He created a fifteen-minute audio documentary, exploring the world of Museleon and her sound art, giving us insight into her process as a sound artist.

Both Odette and Lewis join Jay in the ArtyParti studio to share their experiences working together; what they learned from their collaborative project, how it informed their own creative practice, and why they're passionate about audio production.

Featuring beautiful, original sonic creations by Odette Johnson, and Lewis Harrower's full 15-minute audio documentary.


More about ArtyParti:

Our website - www.artyparti.com
Twitter - @ArtyParti
Instagram - @Arty_Parti_

Produced and presented by Jay Sykes.


Our supporters and funders:

The ArtyParti podcast is made possible thanks to the support of our five generous Patreon backers:

Tel Erbie - Founder of Sister Shack / DJ Awkward Black Girl Jo Howell - Photographic Artist based in Sunderland Nicky Kaur - Founder of TryLife TV Stephanie Smith - Visual Artist based in Sunderland Laura Willis - Emerging Audio Producer

ArtyParti's live "Celebration" events and website are made possible thanks to funding from the Arts Council England & National Lottery Heritage Fund, through the Unlock strand of Sunderland Culture's Great Place scheme.

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