Can arts thrive in a retail space?

Gallery owner Ken Devine & his daughter Juli Poulton share about the value of their new art gallery "Frederick Street Gallery", opening in the heart of Sunderland's city centre

Artist Stacey Campbell shares her beautiful work in memory of her grandfather

John Green, Retail Liaison Manager of the Bridges Shopping Centre, considers why retail spaces need to change attitudes, to attract more shoppers

Richard Oliver & Sian O’Keefe share about the opening of their new portable Bronze foundry - the first in the North East

Regular guest of the show, Textile Artist Kath Price, makes a sale!

And the Mayoress of the City of Sunderland, Cllr. Dianne Snowdon, reflects on making art accessible for general audiences, and its impact on the city


More about ArtyParti:

Our website - www.artyparti.comTwitter - @ArtyParti Instagram - @Arty_Parti_ Produced and presented by Jay Sykes.


Our supporters and funders:

The ArtyParti podcast is made possible thanks to the support of our five Patreon backers:

Chantal Herbert - Founder of Sister Shack / DJ Awkward Black GirlJo Howell - Photographic Artist based in SunderlandNicky Kaur - Founder of TryLife TVStephanie Smith - Visual Artist based in SunderlandLaura Willis - Emerging Audio Producer

ArtyParti's live "Celebration" events and website are made possible thanks to funding from the Arts Council England & National Lottery Heritage Fund, through the Unlock strand of Sunderland Culture's Great Place scheme.

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