In this week's episode of the ArtTactic Podcast, Katya Kazakina, art market report for Bloomberg News, joins us to discuss the important correction happening in the art world in which collectors and museums are increasingly focusing on collecting Black artists. First, Katya pinpoints how and when this correction began. Then, she discusses how important it has become for prominent museums to acquire Black artists for their collections and how successful they have been at this given the recent increase in prices for these artworks. After, Katya identifies some of the key Black artists being targeted by museums, including Mark Bradford, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Barkley Hendricks, Chris Ofili and others. Also, Katya talks about how this trend is translating at art galleries, where they are beginning to show and represent more younger black artists. Lastly, Katya speculates if this trend will be more long-lasting than others in the art market and she also highlights some Black artists who will be up for auction in next month's May auctions.