Moe and Jordan are back from vacation, sunburned, and ready to talk about everyone's favorite subject: Nudity. Being naked in Europe is more common than you might think, and the boys have some great stories about this. Topics include - the bold Nude Flute Man of Freibergsee, Jordan's first experience in a German sauna, and how jumping naked in the snow is considered normal. Jordan has also begun a new project writing about his past and is currently taking cover song suggestions on Instagram - @jordanprince


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Want to reach out to us?
mail: [email protected]
insta: @artsyfartsyimmigrants

Moe and Jordan are back from vacation, sunburned, and ready to talk about everyone's favorite subject: Nudity. Being naked in Europe is more common than you might think, and the boys have some great stories about this. Topics include - the bold Nude Flute Man of Freibergsee, Jordan's first experience in a German sauna, and how jumping naked in the snow is considered normal. Jordan has also begun a new project writing about his past and is currently taking cover song suggestions on Instagram - @jordanprince

Like what you hear? 😏 give as a rating / review and tell it to the mountains… no for real: tell your artsy fartsy friends!

Want to reach out to us?
mail: [email protected]
insta: @artsyfartsyimmigrants