This Episode Jordan & Moe want to wish all of you a merry Christmas + an interview with a very special guest: Marco Mori.
You might not have heard of him but you've seen his work on Social Media. Marco is one of the most successful 3D-Animators in the world, having worked with stars like Kanye West or GORILLAZ at age 27.
you can find his art on Instagram: @macomoroni and on his website:

Artsy Fartsy Immigrants

This Episode Jordan & Moe want to wish all of you a merry Christmas + an interview with a very special guest: Marco Mori.
You might not have heard of him but you've seen his work on Social Media. Marco is one of the most successful 3D-Animators in the world, having worked with stars like Kanye West or GORILLAZ at age 27.
you can find his art on Instagram and on his website