Melissa Rinck -Fundraising Director & Recruitment Officer and Rachel Riggio- Executive Director, Operations Director of The Red Road Foundation join Mary E. LaLuna, host of ArtSees Diner Radio to share the upcoming "Brewing Education" event to be held in Chicago at the Lagunita's Brewery. This event seeks to raise necessary funding for a school to be built in Cambodia to help educate childen there out of poverty and safeguard them against the ever growing sex-trafficking that threatens the health and sanctity of the childen. Donate

A Chicago native, Melissa is a wild heart who has turned her pain into passion. Melissa dedicates her resources and talents to healing the wounds of our world, cultivating love, and spreading kindness. She is a gatherer of  grand souls whom we will need to launch our visions into reality. With her dedication, integrity and vision she will lead the nation’s fundraisers; while forming partnerships, creating community, and keeping the world inspired to surrender themselves to the greater good.

Rachel Riggio is a soul warrior who faced many of life’s obstacles with resilience and fortitude. Forced to persevere when faced with humbling life lessons such as the loss of a parent at age 4, addiction, abuse, and trauma; Rachel immersed herself in a period of rehabilitation. In tune with her life’ s purpose, she has developed a strong drive to find and help those in need.

Lagunitas Brewery is located at 1843 S. Washnetaw Ave Chicago Il. For donations or to become active with the fundraising efforts of Melissa and Rachel, follow this link.