TeamRissa Walking Side by Side Join house musicians, Champagne and LaLuna and other ArtSees Diner Musicians as we celebration the healing power of music! 

A.J. Croce, Michelle Qureshi, William Rottman, Gregory Abbott, Leilah, Amy Rose, Doug Briney, Jiggley Jones, Josey Milner, Marshall Dane, Matt Williams, Xander Demos, Shun Kikuta, Bo{oMofo, Tombstone Bullet  Band, 

My sister Marissa Rapier was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent a lumpectomy and removal of lymph nodes 6/23/2014.  She will have to undergo healing from the surgery, as well as radiation and chemotherapy treatment. As a result she will have to be off of work for an unknown period of time. She is raising a son, who although he is college age, still lives at home and has Asperger Syndrome. The financial of this new diagnosis impacts Marissa in a very unique way. As a single mom she has been raising single handedly her son. Her devotion to him and to her friends and family is remarkable. Marissa needs our help financially. Not just for medical expenses, but, transportation, the unforeseen expenses, utilities, food, etc. She will be taking a very hard economic hit over this. WE need to ¨walk side by side¨ and help carry some of the load for her. Her focus needs to be on healing.