Mary E. brings togethert Faith McKinney of "Schmingling" fame and International Motivational Speaker Gary Guwe. From Indianapolis to Singapore, this conversation is guaranteed to be one that uplifts, inspires and transforms the listener. 

Gary Guwe is a multiple award-winning speaker and entrepreneur who brings with him a wealth of experience in the areas of public speaking, competitive speaking, strategic communications and sales communication. An innate introvert, Gary broke through his personal limits and fear of communication and self expression to take life's challenges and embark on his personal & professional adventures.  A keen entrepreneur, Gary first led the non-profit NUS Toastmasters Club to become South East Asia's biggest & most active Toastmasters Club by quadrupling it's Treasury and Membership size twice during his two terms as President - a feat that has yet to been replicated by his successors and by other clubs in Singapore.

Faith McKinney is an Expert Positioning Consultant, speaker, and author. She is known as “The Great Connector”. She is passionate about improving the way people get their ideas, art and inventions expressed and valued in the world through expert positioning and heightened visibility. In her book: Schmingling- The Art of Being Well-Connected Through Blatant Self-Promotion is the guidebook on how to be seen as an expert in your industry especially if you don’t  have any credentials.

Tonight's music is brought to you by Jef Payne Smooth Jazz, Independent jazz from Indianapolis to you.