Pastor Cory P. Pariseau, author of 40 Days of Cause and Affect, Pastor Cory, will share this life changing book and his personal story that is the impetus for his second publication. As C.E.O. and Founder of Parenting Pathways and as both a child and a parent who's been through the Children's Services system, Pastor Pariseau knows the trials and pains of going through the system from both aspects. For much of his life he had been in the system one way or another.   40 Days of Cause and Affect is a powerful, mind changing book that challenges its readers to take action by using their situations and by developing a positive state of mind to change their actions to cause a positive response in the "reactions" of those they come into contact with each day with each step taken on this journey called life. Life is but a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow. Discover how, "What you do today will affect someone tomorrow."