is a non-profit organization dedicated to fundamental reforms to the way in which higher education is paid for in America. Mary E., host of ArtSees Diner Radio in welcoming Robert Applebaum of Student Debt Crisis. org. Robert is a fighter for justice and fairness in the fight for those of us stuck in debt quicksand, also known as student debt, encouraged and promoted by the United States Government. Robert Applebaum is an attorney from Staten Island, NY and the founder of’s predecessor organization,  

Student loan debt now exceeds $1 trillion. The debt burden now falls on 37 million Americans. 
Millions are now buried under the weight of student debt and are putting off major purchases and life decisions. This has serious negative consequences for our economy and our future. 
This is NOT only a "young person's problem." At least 60% of the $1 Trillion is owed by Americans over the age of 30.