Mary E. LaLuna, creator of ArtSees Diner and author of "Flower and Stone" welcomes author/professor Donald Maurice Waddell to ArtSees Diner Radio.    Donald Maurice Waddell was born in New Haven, Connecticut. He is a writer, comedian, instructor, and radio host. He began writing at the age of 14, after taking a creative writing class in his sophomore year in high school. While in this class, Don knew he had found his calling. Many recognized his talent for writing poetry and soon he began compiling volumes and volumes of poems. “It started with writing song lyrics to music that I would hear in my head. These lyrics soon became poems.” asked where he gets his talent for writing he states, “I believe that it’s a gift from the Creator and I am humbled to be able to use it to touch the lives of  others….”   Twitter @theblkpuma  Images: A Collection of Poetry by D. Maurice Waddell  Donsongs : An Anthology of Literary Sound