Influencer Marketplace QuickShouts Changes Business Model, Aims To Increase Opportunities For All Bloggers. "QuickShouts, the online marketplace where bloggers and influencers sell sponsored postings to businesses who are relevant within their niche, is restructuring it's business to help bloggers find more work. The slight pivot within the business model will take QuickShouts from being a purely buyer/seller ad marketplace to also an interactive blog directory which can be used by buyers to make offers for sponsored postings to tens of 1000's of bloggers across the globe. This will prevent bloggers who haven't yet been able to list on the QuickShouts marketplace from missing out opportunities that are suitable to their blog. Buyers in search of purchasing sponsored postings can use the new QuickShouts 'Make an Offer' form. The 'Make an Offer' form serves as a portal where buyers can make offers to any blog in the world via QuickShouts. It helps the buyer to assess a fair price, and make contact easily while also being provided with buyers protection. As for the bloggers, they are given extra exposure through the QuickShouts blog directory and will have opportunities land in their mailbox with virtually no effort on their side, which they have the right to accept of deny. 

Chase Hattie was born and raised in Auckland, New Zealand. After graduating from Auckland University of Technology with a degree in Finance and International Business, he moved to Sydney, Australia to begin his career in financial markets. During this time Chase discovered the power of Social Media Influencing while working on one of his side projects. Having found a great new way to market products, he evolved towards his newest endeavor QuickShouts!