A "Labor of Love" Labor Day special is to raise awareness and to gain financial support for Aubrey LaLuna.   Help us raise money to offset Aubrey's financial stress! Every dollar will help! http://artseesdiner.com/Aubrey.html 
Aubrey is recovering in the hospital after a very uncommon medical situation. She will be recuperating for a number of days and the cost of her medical care, as well as her loss in wages will cause Aubrey to face financial difficulty. Aubrey found out today that she is no longer employed as a result of her inability to work. 
 We will be celebrating with music of ArtSees Diner Blue Plate Specials. 
Consider donating towards her expense here. Every dollar counts! email Aubrey at [email protected]
Join in and share https://www.facebook.com/events/1406057322945301/ your thoughts, prayers and SHARE this! Thank you!